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Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Alternative Dispute Resolution at Marquee Law Group, APCspecialists will accompany and participate as your counselor or advocate, doing the best job possible to make sure your needs are taken care of.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Division works with disputing parties to find efficient outcomes for their legal needs.


Managing and resolving disputes outside of, or as a supplement to, traditional court litigation is an important part of our practice at Marquee Law  – both domestically and internationally. While this practice builds upon our traditional litigation practice, it also requires special advocacy, case management and strategic skills.


We have experience in all aspects of dispute resolution. We have successfully handled thousands of individual cases, participate in key organizations which structure and administer the dispute resolution processes, serve as neutrals and party-appointed arbitrators and create dispute resolution programs for the more efficient management of routine conflicts that are inevitable in any large organization.


Mediation is a voluntary process in which two or more parties involved in a dispute work with an impartial party, the mediator, to generate a fair and amicable result of any dispute. Mediation is usually the most cost-effective means of settling a dispute without the high cost of a trial. Unlike a judge or an arbitrator whose decisions subject one party to win and the other party to lose, mediation is about finding a solution that works for both parties. We recognize that effective advocacy comes in many forms and that clients are best served when they can select the most appropriate means of resolving their dispute from an array of available options.


Regardless of how or where disputes initially arise, our commitment is to resolve them efficiently and economically, in partnership with our clients. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Division at Marquee Law Group, APC, provides unbiased support and assistance to help parties settle their dispute with the use of one of our certified mediators. Calm, intelligent, and resourceful, the mediators at Marquee Law Group, APC, can help both parties walk away with a satisfactory outcome.




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(310) 275-1844

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445 East Tower
Beverly Hills, CA

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